1010 La Trobe Street, Digital Harbour

Completed in 2007, this administration building remains a key part of ARM’s masterplan for Digital Harbour’s technology-focused community. Originally designed for start-ups and research enterprises in the IT sector, it continues to offer a flexible and adaptable workspace.

Adelaide Festival Plaza Precinct Masterplan

This massive masterplanning project repairs one of Adelaide’s most important, yet flawed, urban places.

Albury Library/Museum

This building brings together Albury’s library, museum, community centre, and IT facilities under one roof.

Ambient Apartments

Ambient is the smallest building in the Keppel Street apartment complex, a key component of a major inner-Melbourne multi-residential development led by the Living Carlton Consortium.

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

This is Australia’s leading centre for the research of Australia’s First Peoples, the oldest continuing culture on earth.

Barak Building

This building features the distinguished face of William Barak, the last traditional ngurungaeta (Elder) of the Wurundjeri-willam clan. From our apartment tower, his portrait looks down along Melbourne’s Swanston Street axis.

Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub

BEST is not just a sporting facility; it is a symbol of cultural diversity, knowledge, and technological innovation.

Caulfield Village

ARM has masterplanned and delivered this 5.5-hectare urban community from the ground up. There are two components: North and South.


Elizabeth Quay

Elizabeth Quay is a waterfront precinct that unites central Perth with the Swan River. It focuses on a 730m terraced promenade surrounding a newly formed inlet, and an island created by excavating the land that joined it to the shore.

Firbank Grammar

ARM has completed projects on both campuses of this Melbourne independent school. Both have historic buildings that have inspired our new designs for children’s technology-based learning spaces.

Frame at Melbourne Central

At 300 Lonsdale, business and leisure come together in a dynamic space designed for collaboration and fresh ideas.

Geelong Arts Centre Redevelopment

The Geelong Arts Centre is Australia’s largest regional arts centre and sits at the heart of the city’s burgeoning cultural precinct.

Geelong Library and Heritage Centre

This is a busy community gathering place and techno-resource centre for residents of one of Australia’s fastest growing regional cities.

Greater Curtin University Development Guidelines

This project involved innovative thinking about placemaking philosophies for universities. Stage 1 delivered significant commercial and residential space to the Curtin University Campus.

Hamer Hall Redevelopment

Hamer Hall is Melbourne’s main concert hall. The heritage building is the home of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the premier venue for visiting orchestras and other acoustic and amplified music.

Home of the Arts Masterplan

The Home of the Arts (HOTA) Masterplan established a bold vision for a vast cultural and landscape precinct along the scenic Nerang River. Over the past 15+ years, ARM has progressively delivered key elements of this masterplan, shaping HOTA into a dynamic arts and community destination.

HOTA Bridge

This bridge spans the Gold Coast’s Nerang River, connecting HOTA to Surfers Paradise via Chevron Island.

HOTA Gallery

This contemporary gallery is home to the City of Gold Coast’s extensive collection of art and cultural artefacts. It hosts both local and international exhibitions.

HOTA Outdoor Stage

This is a super-versatile arts and culture venue: a black-box theatre and an amphitheatre with seating and lawn space for 5,000. Its landscape and attitude are tailored to Gold Coast lifestyle.


Kane Constructions Workplace

Kane Constructions’ new office fit-out celebrates materiality and construction detailing, demonstrating Kane’s expertise and experience as a leader in the construction industry.

Launch Bellfield

Launch Bellfield provides 58 new social housing units to people on the priority access list of the Victorian Housing Register.

Launch Dandenong: Viv’s Place

Viv’s Place provides a safe, secure and comfortable place of refuge for women and children escaping domestic violence.

Local Apartments

Local is one of several high-density multi-residential buildings that surround a new public park in Melbourne’s inner-city Carlton. All apartments have generous balconies overlooking Canning Street and the park’s tree-clad contours.

M24 Apartments

The site of this small apartment building was originally occupied by the Golden West Aerated Water Company. The idea of fizzy drinks inspired its bubbly façade.

Macquarie Park Apartments

Macquarie Park is one of the most active and sought-after growth areas in metropolitan Sydney.

Marion Cultural Centre

Adelaide’s Marion Cultural Centre occupies a prominent site at the intersection of major arterial roads, positioned alongside the expansive Westfield Marion shopping centre, one of South Australia’s largest retail hubs.

Melbourne Central Redevelopment

Melbourne Central is a major retail and commercial hub built above a busy underground railway station. From its opening, it faced financial challenges. A decade later, ARM won an invited international competition to masterplan, redesign, and revitalise the precinct.

Melbourne Recital Centre

The Melbourne Recital Centre has revolutionised classical music in its city. It has the acoustic and architectural qualities of the great old-world concert halls but on a smaller, chamber-music scale.

Momentum Apartments

Momentum transformed a dowdy old 1970s office block through adaptive-reuse into a multi-residential building.

Monash University Chancellery

Monash’s new Chancellery is a ceremonial front door for the Clayton Campus: an emblematic building that communicates the University’s brand and identity for the 21st Century.

MTC Southbank Theatre

MTC is Australia’s oldest professional theatre company, yet the Southbank Theatre is its first permanent performance home and headquarters.

Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence

The Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence is a world-class education, sporting, and public gathering space that honours the world’s oldest living culture.

National Museum of Australia

The National Museum of Australia is one of ARM’s most inventive, daring and controversial buildings.

National Museum of Australia Café

The café at the National Museum of Australia is a golden, ply-lined tunnel that extends from the Main Hall, creating a warm and inviting space with views across Lake Burley Griffin.

National Museum of Australia Forecourt

This project engulfs the Museum in a new landscape filled with symbols, meanings and messages.

National Museum of Australia Gallery Spaces

The National Museum of Australia’s revitalised gallery and children’s play space are ARM’s latest additions to the museum, marking the NMA’s largest redevelopment since it opened its doors in 2001.

National Museum of Australia Workplace

The National Museum of Australia is one of ARM’s most inventive, daring and controversial buildings. ARM jointly won the project in a 1997 international design competition. Later, we expanded its workplace facilities.

North Melbourne Primary School

ARM has delivered a brand-new vertical campus for this inner-city primary school.

One East Melbourne

One East Melbourne is a luxury 19-storey apartment tower plus a three-level commercial building holding 6000 m2 of office space.

Orbis Apartments

Orbis embodies our philosophy that an apartment building should actively contribute to the urban fabric around it, rather than serving only its residents.

Peninsula Link

Peninsula Link is a celebration of the art of driving, offering a dynamic 15-minute journey through distinct character zones. It also features the Road Biennale, a curated public art program that enhances the experience with ever-changing installations along the route.

RAC Arena

Here is a fresh perspective on the stadium. This major sports and entertainment venue (formerly Perth Arena) is more than just a concrete box for mass audiences to be herded in and out of—it is a carefully designed space that reflects and celebrates Western Australia’s unique identity and history.

RMIT OurPlace

This project centralises staff from eight different RMIT locations into one tailored contemporary workplace.

RMIT Storey Hall and Green Brain

Our two green projects for RMIT distinguish the campus precinct from the rest of Melbourne’s CBD.

Shrine of Remembrance Redevelopment

The Shrine of Remembrance is Melbourne’s most visible and poignant war memorial. ARM’s heritage redevelopment has expanded it from purely a monument to an exhibition space and education facility. Our designs are full of references and symbols—overt and otherwise—to Australians at war.

Six New Primary Schools, 2023

These schools were designed to serve as the heart of their new communities, offering 21st century learning environments that foster community, inspire pride, and shape the lives of our future generations.

Smith Collective

This new community is the Gold Coast’s biggest ever urban renewal project. It’s also Australia’s first build-to-rent development.

St Jude’s Church Restoration

When this 1860s inner-Melbourne church was badly damaged by fire in 2014, ARM designed its restoration. We worked with the parish community to re-imagine it for the 21st Century.

St Kilda Triangle Masterplan

The historic and culturally vibrant suburb of St Kilda has a passionate and engaged community. For our masterplan to be viable, widely accepted, and ultimately realised, genuine and collaborative involvement from St Kilda residents was essential.

St Leonard’s College Junior School Enhancement

ARM has delivered contemporary environments for learning, performing and working at this Melbourne independent school.

St Leonard’s College Redevelopment

ARM has created contemporary environments for learning, performing and working at this Melbourne independent school.

St. Collins Lane

St. Collins Lane is a high-end retail precinct in Melbourne’s CBD. It comprises four floors of luxury retail and dining, both formal and casual.

Sydney Catholic Schools Workplace
Sydney College of the Arts Relocation

ARM has transplanted SCA’s distinctive culture from its original Rozelle site to the heritage Old Teachers’ College building on the University of Sydney’s Camperdown campus.

Sydney Opera House Concert Hall Renewal

The Opera House is one of the world’s greatest buildings. It is World Heritage listed and an internationally famous symbol of modern Australia.

The Face

The Face is at the very heart of St Kilda’s beachside retail, hospitality and tourist precinct.

The Malt Store

The Carlton and United Breweries Malt Store is a heritage industrial building with a spectacular redbrick façade and Romanesque features. It was designed by HV&A Champion in 1904.

University of Adelaide Barr Smith South redevelopment

Distinctive and extroverted interior design has transformed previously uninspiring spaces into magnetic ones where students intrinsically like to be.

University of Adelaide Common Teaching Areas

This interior redevelopment creates fun, hardworking breakout zones and flexible contemporary learning spaces.

University of Melbourne Arts West

Arts West is a University of Melbourne landmark. Its striking façade features images of objects from the University’s cultural collections.

Victorian Desalination Plant

The Desalination Plant is an insurance policy for our most precious resource.

Wanangkura Stadium

If you fly in to Port Hedland (as pretty much everyone who goes there does), beyond the vast expanses of red desert soil you’ll see the black-and-white striped roof of Wanangkura Stadium. The colours are for the local South Hedland Swans football team, one of several local sporting groups who use the venue.

Werribee Open Range Zoo Expansion

Expanding Werribee Open Range Zoo into a world-class destination in the heart of Melbourne’s west.

Westpoint Dining and Entertainment Precinct

The new Westpoint Dining and Entertainment Precinct transforms a hard, hot, inhospitable, and largely grey existing rooftop into a vibrant place of belonging and memory-making for one of the most culturally diverse communities in Australia.


Our wintergarden transforms an interstitial space into something useful, social and beautiful. It has a glass roof to keep the aggressive northerlies out, and a view to die for.

Yanco Agricultural High School

ARM has designed a state-of-the-art dormitory to accommodate female students at this historic agricultural school in the NSW Riverina.